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Minutes 14th September

MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 2020 AT 7:30pm
Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020.

Present:  Cllr M Falder (Chairman), Cllr Toone, Cllr Meyrick, Cllr G Corner, Cllr Bridges, Cllr S Betteridge-Sorby, Cllr K Kemp

 In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk,  Cllr Haines (to 8:15 pm), Cllr Chilton (from 7:44pm to 8:15pm)

20/703 Apologies
Apologies were noted from Cllr Churchill.  As a quorum was established, the Chairman commenced and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

20/704 Variation of Order of Business
There was no alteration to the variation of the order of business.

20/705 Declaration of Interests:
Cllrs considered their obligations relating to declaration of interests; no declarations were received.

20/706 Public Speaking
a) Members of the Public and Council to comment on any matter
No matters were raised.

b) County Council and District Council members to raise any relevant matter
Cllr Haines updated that the Shades Farm planning application has been requested to go before the Planning Committee following the volume of local concerns expressed to both Parish and District Cllrs.  The Planning Officer is waiting for information from the applicant’s agent and it is therefore likely that the application will be brought before the October planning meeting.  The Enforcement Officer is looking at one application as the location of a barn is not in exactly the location as approval was granted.
The Chair provided some background relating to the concerns expressed by local residents during the summer and of the site meeting held with residents, District cllrs and the applicant.
SDDC is still meeting remotely with a lot of officers working from home.
Green bins – the amount of recycling has significantly increased over the last 6 months through Covid; equating to approx. the recycling collections from another 10,000 properties; the contractor has been struggling and there have been some missed collections but the problem has been resolved.
Examples were given of SDDC awarded grant funding projects.
Questions were raised with the funding reserves of SDDC; Cllr Haines reported that funds have been spent through Covid and SDDC awaiting to see what the financial position will be as Covid continues.
There have been major roadworks along Bretby Lane over a number of weeks, these have created problems for residents.

7.44pm Cllr Chilton joined the meeting.

There are traffic lights on Ashby Road East and Bretby Lane in place for work undertaken by Cadent and these lights have been in situ since February and are creating chaos.  The traffic lights are not synchronised and the organisation and execution of the works were considered to be appalling.  One resident has reported damage to his drive caused by traffic being diverted along his drive. Cllr Chilton provided examples of other examples of poor workmanship.  The safety of pedestrians was also thought to be compromised as the signage is not adequate and pedestrians are walking in the path of vehicles.
The Clerk was requested to write to the Highway Hub, copying in Cllr Chilton, to complain about the situation and ask for the officer to come to the location on an urgent basis
The volume and weight of traffic has also made the road sink leaving a significant drop from household drives onto Bretby Lane.
Speeding is still an issue along Bretby Lane between Bretby Nurseries to the end of Bretby Lane.  The Chair gave a short explanation of the attempts made by the Parish Council to have the speed limit introduced.  It is not possible to narrow the road to create a pavement on both sides of Bretby Lane.
The Clerk circulated an email from DCC about the creation of Vision Derbyshire and Cllr Chilton provided further information relating to the forthcoming Government White Paper on devolution.  This Vision for Derbyshire is being put forward to the Secretary of State and if  unacceptable then there is a “Plan B” that Derbyshire joins to form an  East Midlands group.  This may not impact significantly on parish councils; the majority of changes will impact on District and County Councils.

8:15pm Cllr Chilton and Cllr Haines left the meeting.

c) Parish Council Members declaring an interest other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interest wishing to make representation
No representations were made.

20/707   To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 6th July 2020
These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Falder.

20/708 To determine which items if any, should be taken with the public excluded.
No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded.

20/709 To receive the Chairman’s Announcements
The footpath has been cleared by the residents (Min 20/690).

20/710 To receive the Report of the Clerk
The Clerk’s report as previously circulated was accepted with no further comments. 

20/711 Governance
a)   Risk Register update
There are no recommended changes to the risk register.
RESOLVED to make no changes to the risk register.

b)  General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The Clerk reported that there is no further information, no actions were recommended and there were no incidents to report.

c)   To consider information about the former Bretby Castle and how to display the information – Min 19/599
The owners have requested that no attention is drawn to the private area; no further action will be taken on this matter.

20/712 Drainage issues
No matters were raised.

20/713 Correspondence

  1. DALC – Various circulars and information about Covid19
  2. SDDC – information, guidance and update on Coronavirus
  3. DCC – information, guidance and update on Coronavirus
  4. NALC – information and updates on Covid19
  5. Derbyshire – PCC meet the Commission online 5th August 2020
  6. Clerks & Councils Direct – September 2020 edition
  7. Resident – enquiry as to when a meeting is to be held as she has concerns about some planning applications.
    Clerk has replied to provide the date of the next meeting and that if there are any concerns about planning matters, for the resident to make these directly to the planning authority

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

20/714 Finance

(a) Accounts for Payment

BACSHMRC – Clerk’s tax (July)£XX
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (July)£XX
BACSHMRC – Clerk’s tax (Aug)£XX
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Aug)£XX
s/oMrs J Storer – Clerk fee for July 20£XX
s/oMrs J Storer – Clerk fee for Aug 20£XX
BACSMrs J Storer – Clerk fee (Sept)£179.68
BACSDCC – Pension for (Sept)£58.61
Accounts approved by the Chair and Vice Chair under the Scheme of Delegation
BACSMrs J Storer – use of home (July – Sept 20)£81.00
BACSMrs J Storer – expenses£deferred to the next meeting
d/dData Protection Renewal£35.00
BACSPKF Littlejohn – audit fee 2019/20£240.00
For Approval

Money Received

SDDC – second half of the precept£1793.00
Interest July£0.12
Interest Aug£0.11

Balance at bank 14.09.20

Deposit account£3010.95
Current account£5601.68

b)         Requests for funding via S137
No requests for funding have been received.

c)         To receive the actual to budget report for the period ending 31st August 2020
The report had been previously circulated to all Cllrs.
RESOLVED to accept the financial report for the period to 31.08.20.

d)         To received the External Auditor’s report for the year ending 31st March 2020
The external auditor’s report has been previously circulated to all Cllrs; no items or areas of concern were raised.

20/715 To consider Planning Applications
DMPA/2020/0448: Notification of planning application: The erection of a building to house a Biomass Plant at Shades Farm Unnamed Road from Geary Lane To Town Farm, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0RD
Discussions focused on the potential of noise and smell population, the material which may be burnt in such an incinerator, the location to several residential properties
RESOLVED: no planning reasons could be seen to object but SDDC planners were asked to  pay attention to any noise and/or odour pollution and to  monitor these.  SDDC will be asked to provide information as to how these items will be monitored.

DMPA/2020/0629: Change of use from agricultural land to school playing fields (use class D2) and the erection of two senior football pitches with fencing and associated works (revised scheme to that proposed under application ref. DMPA/2019/0967) on land east of Paulet High School, Violet Way, Burton On Trent, Staffordshire, DE15 9RD
RESOLVED: no objections

DMPA/2020/0395: The variation of condition no. 2 of permission ref. 9/2017/1402 (relating to the layout of cabins) for the erection of 8 No. holiday cabins, to seek minor material amendments to the access road, size of cabins, layout of cabins and associated entrance gate at Knights Lodges, Knight’s Lane, Bretby, DE15 0RT
RESOLVED: no objections.  Cllrs expressed a desire not to see any further development of the site; it is large enough for the area and access.

20/716 Consultations
NALC – Changes to Planning and Planning for the Future
DCC – Devolution White Paper preparation

20/717 Items for information only
(a)        To receive reports from Meetings attended
No meetings have been attended.
The clerk has ordered 2 Remembrance Wreaths; the Chair explained the arrangements for the Remembrance Service.

(b)        Notification of Forthcoming meetings
None known due to CV-19.

(c)        Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs
Training is being provided remotely via Zoom.  The Clerk will be attending the DALC online training session on 2nd November 2020 on planning matters.

4th August 2020Website accessibility statements for local authoritiesClerk
5th August 2020Risk assessmentsClerk

20/718 Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on MONDAY 23rd NOVEMBER 2020 at 7.30pm; this will be a remote meeting unless there are significant changes to regulations.

To move the following resolution – “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of the personal situation of an employee which could result in legal proceedings or commercially sensitive information) it is advisable in   public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”

20/719  Staffing
The NALC national salary award had been circulated with the meeting papers.
The Clerk offered to leave the meeting for Cllrs to discuss the salary award. The Clerk was requested to remain at the meeting.
RESOLVED to adapt the recommendation of NALC and to award the 2.75% increase, back dated to 1st April 2020.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, wished everyone to be well and safe and closed the meeting at   8:46pm.