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Minutes 11th May 2021

TUESDAY 11th MAY 2021 AT 7:35pm

Due to continuing Covid restrictions, no Covid safe venue was available within the Parish, the meeting was therefore held outside of the parish.

Present:  Cllr M Falder (Chairman), Cllr Meyrick, Cllr G Corner, Cllr S Betteridge-Sorby, Cllr Bridges, Cllr Toone, Cllr K Kemp.

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, Cllr Haines, Cllr Churchill.

The Chair thanked all for attending and in particular thanked Cllr Betteridge-Sorby for arranging a covid compliant venue for the holding of Council meetings. He welcomed everyone back to the first face to face meeting in over 12 months.

21/782 Apologies
No apologies were noted.  As a quorum was established, the Chairman commenced the meeting.

21/783 Variation of Order of Business
There was no alteration to the variation of the order of business.

21/784 Declaration of Interests:
Cllrs considered their obligations relating to declaration of interests; no declarations were received.

21/785 Public Speaking

a) Members of the Public and Council to comment on any matter
No matters were raised.

b) County Council and District Council members to raise any relevant matter
Cllr Haines reported that there are few new details on the Freeport but agreed to pass on any information when it arrives.
Cllr Churchill provided the latest Covid statistics, the latest figures are significantly below the national average.
The annual flooding meeting will now be held half yearly, the next meeting will be held in the autumn.

No County Cllr was in attendance.
The resurfacing of a section of Bretby Lane has been undertaken; Cllrs welcomed the quality of the repairs and thanked former County Cllr Chilton.

c) Parish Council Members declaring an interest other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interest wishing to make representation
No representations were made.

21/786   To confirm the Minutes of the Meetings held on 22nd March 2021
These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Falder.

21/787 To determine which items if any, should be taken with the public excluded.
No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded.

21/788 To receive the Chairman’s Announcements
Members of the public have informed of significant queues and waiting times at the Newhall tip, discouraging people from taking items to the tip; this is thought to have contributed to the increase of flytipping around the parish.  The Clean Team has cleared reported instances of flytipping, putting increased pressure on already limited resources.  Around the parish there has been a significant increase in flytipping and across the district there has been a 40% increase.  The recycling contractor has ceased trading and the District Council stepped in to fulfil the recycling contract; the value of recycling has decreased and SDDC is undertaking studies about alternative recycling schemes in readiness for the renewal of the contract in the autumn.

21/789 To receive the Report of the Clerk
The Clerk’s report as previously circulated was accepted with no further comments. 
Min 20/766e) The request for a speed check on Bretby Lane has been submitted.
Min 20/766d) A meeting with a resident about bins for private areas in the National Forest was held in April; a report on this meeting will be given at the next parish council meeting.
Min 20/755b) Action on the drain cover on Ashby Road East is still awaited.
Min 20/755b) the unauthorised signs on Oldicote Lane remain in place; County Cllr Muller will be informed of the situation and requested to pursue the matter.
Signage has been erected by Bretby Hall to direct people onto the footpath around the Hall, whilst various rumours have circulated about the possibility of addition of control mechanisms being installed to restrict access at the Park. 

21/790 Governance
a)   Risk Register update
There are no recommended changes to the risk register.
RESOLVED to make no changes to the risk register.

b)  General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The Clerk reported that there is no further information, no actions were recommended and there were no incidents to report.

c) Communication Strategy
The matter was deferred.

d)  Arrangements for return to face to face meeting
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Government to urge that hybrid meetings are permitted.  All Cllrs will respond individually to the Government survey about the effectiveness of remote meetings.

21/791 Drainage issues
No further matters were raised.

21/792 Correspondence

  1. DALC – Various circulars and information about Covid19 and 2021 census
  2. Bretby Park Management Company – raising awareness of issues the Hall and residents face
  3. DCC – Impact – new parish carbon footprint

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

21/793 Finance

BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (Mar)£36.60
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Mar)£44.39
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (Apr)£36.60
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Apr)£44.39
BACSStaffing – March£136.00
BACSStaffing – April£136.20
KrystalWebsite hosting£47.99
Accounts passed for payment
BACSStaffing – May£136.20
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (May)£36.40
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (May)£44.39
DALCSubscription for 2021/22£344.63
Mrs J StorerPayroll annual licence£59.20
Mrs J StorerClerk use of home (April – Jun 21)£81.00
Came & CompanyInsurance£218.00
For approval

Money Received

Interest April 2021£0.03
SDDC – S136 refund£97.93
SDDC – first half of the precept£1,829.00
SDDC – Council grant£73.00
Bretby Hall – donation for new bin£600.00
HMRC – VAT refund 20/21£41.60

Balance at bank 04.05.21

Deposit account£3,011.14
Current account£5,663.42

b) Requests for funding via S137
No requests for funding have been received.

c) To receive the internal audit
The internal audit was undertaken on 14th April 2021 and no matters were reported.  The report has been circulated to all Cllrs.

d)       To complete the Annual Governance & Accounting Report
The AGAR report for 2020/21 was before the Council for completion and approval. 
RESOLVED the AGAR was completed and signed by the Chair and the RFO/Clerk.

Cllrs have been circulated with the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021 and the accounts were presented to the meeting for Council approval.
RESOLVED to accept and approve the accounts for the year ending 31.03.21

21/794 To consider Planning Applications

DMPA/2021/0561:Amended scheme to previously approved DMPA/2019/1461 for the erection of an extension with pitch roof and the conversion of loft space at 12 Bretby Lane, Bretby, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0QN (12/05/21)
Some Cllrs expressed disappointment about the lack of response to correspondence sent to SDDC Planning Dept by residents relating to safety concerns and the continuation of building works, particularly on the roof, at the above property. The alleged disregard of the planning process, building inspection and safety was considered to debase the planning process.
District Cllrs reported that the Planning Dept has been in correspondence with the applicants but District Cllrs were unaware that residents’ correspondence had gone unanswered; they will follow up on these matter.
RESOLVED: objection; as it is overbearing presence on 10 and 19 Bretby Lane and newly installed windows overlook gardens and bedrooms which affects neighbours right to presence. This application goes against the previous planning conditions restricting the increase of the height of the property.

DMPN/2021/0612: Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed loft conversion and the installation of windows at 2 Mount Road, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0RA (13/05/21)
RESOLVED No objections

DMPA/2021/0552: The erection of extensions, front wall and gate at 14 Bretby Lane, Bretby, Burton on Trent, DE15 0QN (07/05/21)
RESOLVED No objections

No further information has been received about the planning appeal for affordable housing on Bretby Lane. District Cllrs agreed to pass on any updates when any information is received.

21/795 Consultations
No consultations have been received.

21/796 Items for information only

(a) To receive reports from Meetings attended
No meetings have been attended

(b)        Notification of Forthcoming meetings
None known

(c)        Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs
Training continues to be provided remotely via Zoom.  

(d) Cllr Toone has contacted CREST about speed checks along Bretby Lane, but has heard nothing.

(e) Cllrs Toone and Betteridge-Sorby met remotely with a landowner about issues affecting Mimi Wood, in particular dog fouling and ASB.

21/797 Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on TUESDAY 13th JULY 2021 at 7.30pm at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, wished everyone to be well and safe and closed the meeting at 8:30pm.

Minutes Of The Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 11th May 2021

TUESDAY 11th MAY 2021 AT 7:30pm

Present: Cllr M Falder (Chairman), Cllr M Bridges, Cllr L Meyrick, Cllr G Corner, Cllr S Betteridge-Sorby, Cllr K Kemp, Cllr S Toone.

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, District Cllrs Churchill and Haines.

21/768 Apologies
No apologies were noted.

21/769 Election of Chairman
Cllr Falder was nominated by Cllr Bridges, seconded by Cllr Corner.  There were no other nominations.  Cllr Falder was unanimously elected as Chairman.
Cllr Falder thanked all for the support and confidence given to him in his capacity as Chairman and informed the meeting that this will be his final year as Chairman – next year he will step down as Chair but remain on the Council.

21/770 Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of office
Cllr Falder took and signed the Declaration of Office for the position of Chairman.

21/771 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Toone was nominated by Cllr Bridges and seconded by Cllr Falder.  There were no other nominations.  Cllr Toone was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.

21/772 Vice Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of Office
Cllr Toone signed the Declaration of Office for the position of Vice Chairman.

21/773 Completion of Register of Interests
The Councillors will review their Register of Interest via the Parish Council website and inform the Clerk of any changes.

21/774   Appointment of Committees – if required
RESOLVED it was unnecessary to have any committees.

21/775    Appointment of Cllrs to External Bodies and arrangements for reporting back
RESOLVED that any Cllr can attend any external meeting; reports will be circulated via email and questions an be taken at the next Parish Council meeting.

21/776   To adopt the new Standing Orders
The Standing Orders were previously circulated to all Cllrs.
RESOLVED to accept the Standing Orders, as circulated and without amendment.

21/777   To review the Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations have been reviewed and no further amendments were identified.

21/778  Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment.
The list of assets owned by the Parish Council was reviewed.  No omissions were noted and there had been no disposals during the year. 

21/779  Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all Insured risks.
The insurance falls due for renewal on 1st June 2021 and the renewal premium has been received and circulated to all Cllrs.  The insurance company has advised the Clerk that the premium is the lowest possible. The insurance cover provided was agreed and accepted by Cllrs.

21/780 Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies.
The Parish Council is currently a member of DALC and will continue to retain membership with DALC. The Clerk is a member of SLCC and this will continue.

21/781 Reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure.
The Complaints procedure as previously circulated was reviewed and no amendments were made.

The meeting closed at 7:32pm

Agenda 11th May 2021


You are summoned to attend Council Meeting of Bretby Parish Council, which will be held at Swadlincote Surgery on Darklands Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE11 0PP at 7.35pm on TUESDAY 11th MAY 2021.


1. To receive apologies for absence.           

2.  Variation of Order of Business

3.  Declaration of Members Interests.

            Please Note:-

(a) Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)

(b)  Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.

4.  Public Speaking – (15 Minutes)

(a)  A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)  If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

(c)  Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5.  To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 22nd March 2021 (Copy already circulated)

6.  To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms:
“In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

7.  Chairman’s Announcements.

8.  Report of the Clerk, to include an update on items from the last meeting

9.  Governance
a)  Risk Register update
b)  Update on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
c)  Communication Strategy
d)  Arrangements for return to face to face meeting

10.  Drainage and flooding issues

11.  Correspondence

12.  Finance
(a)  Accounts for Payment
(b)  To approve the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2021
(c)  To receive the internal audit
(d)  To complete the Annual Governance & Accounting Report
(e)  To consider any requests for funds made under S137

13.  To consider Planning Applications                      

14.  To consider any Consultations received

15.  Items for information only

(a)  To receive reports from Meetings attended
(b) Notification of Forthcoming meeting
(c)  Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs

16.  To move the following resolution – “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of the personal situation of an employee which could result in legal proceedings or commercially sensitive information) it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”

17.  Date of next meeting and items for inclusion
Suggested date Tuesday 13th July 2021.