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Minutes Of The Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 11th May 2021

TUESDAY 11th MAY 2021 AT 7:30pm

Present: Cllr M Falder (Chairman), Cllr M Bridges, Cllr L Meyrick, Cllr G Corner, Cllr S Betteridge-Sorby, Cllr K Kemp, Cllr S Toone.

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, District Cllrs Churchill and Haines.

21/768 Apologies
No apologies were noted.

21/769 Election of Chairman
Cllr Falder was nominated by Cllr Bridges, seconded by Cllr Corner.  There were no other nominations.  Cllr Falder was unanimously elected as Chairman.
Cllr Falder thanked all for the support and confidence given to him in his capacity as Chairman and informed the meeting that this will be his final year as Chairman – next year he will step down as Chair but remain on the Council.

21/770 Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of office
Cllr Falder took and signed the Declaration of Office for the position of Chairman.

21/771 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Toone was nominated by Cllr Bridges and seconded by Cllr Falder.  There were no other nominations.  Cllr Toone was unanimously elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.

21/772 Vice Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of Office
Cllr Toone signed the Declaration of Office for the position of Vice Chairman.

21/773 Completion of Register of Interests
The Councillors will review their Register of Interest via the Parish Council website and inform the Clerk of any changes.

21/774   Appointment of Committees – if required
RESOLVED it was unnecessary to have any committees.

21/775    Appointment of Cllrs to External Bodies and arrangements for reporting back
RESOLVED that any Cllr can attend any external meeting; reports will be circulated via email and questions an be taken at the next Parish Council meeting.

21/776   To adopt the new Standing Orders
The Standing Orders were previously circulated to all Cllrs.
RESOLVED to accept the Standing Orders, as circulated and without amendment.

21/777   To review the Financial Regulations
The Financial Regulations have been reviewed and no further amendments were identified.

21/778  Review of inventory of land and assets including buildings and office equipment.
The list of assets owned by the Parish Council was reviewed.  No omissions were noted and there had been no disposals during the year. 

21/779  Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all Insured risks.
The insurance falls due for renewal on 1st June 2021 and the renewal premium has been received and circulated to all Cllrs.  The insurance company has advised the Clerk that the premium is the lowest possible. The insurance cover provided was agreed and accepted by Cllrs.

21/780 Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies.
The Parish Council is currently a member of DALC and will continue to retain membership with DALC. The Clerk is a member of SLCC and this will continue.

21/781 Reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure.
The Complaints procedure as previously circulated was reviewed and no amendments were made.

The meeting closed at 7:32pm