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Agenda 17th March 2020


1          To receive apologies for absence.     

2          Variation of Order of Business

3          Declaration of Members Interests.

            Please Note:-

(a)    Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)

(b)   Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.

4          Public Speaking – (15 Minutes)

(a)       A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)       If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

(c)       Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5          To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 27th January 2020 (Copy already circulated)

6.         To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: –

“In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

7.       Chairman’s Announcements.

8.       Report of the Clerk, to include an update on items from the last meeting

9.       Governance

       a)  Risk Register update

      b)  Update on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

       c)  Website compliance and new website

d)  To consider information about the former Bretby Castle and how to display the information – Min 19/599

e)  Bretby in Bloom project

10.       Drainage and flooding issues

11.       Correspondence

12.       Finance

     (a)       Accounts for Payment

(b)       To receive the bank reconciliation to 29th February 2020

     (c)       To consider any requests for funds made under S137

13.       To consider Planning Applications               

14.       To consider any Consultations received

SDDC – Local Green Spaces modification (responses by 17th March 2020)

EMA – Community Impact Survey

15.       Items for information only

(a)       To receive reports from Meetings attended

  • SDDC – Flood liaison meeting – 6th February 2020.
  • Area Forum & Safer Neighbourhood meeting – 11th February 2020 at Findern Village hall at 6.30pm

 (b) Notification of Forthcoming meeting

  • DCC – County and Parish Councils Liaison meeting – 30th March at DCC Offices, Matlock at 6pm
  • Police and Parish Council Liaison Meeting – 16th March 2020 at 6.00pm at Ripley Police HQ

            (c)       Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs

16.  To move the following resolution – “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of the personal situation of an employee which could result in legal proceedings or commercially sensitive information) it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”

17.       Date of next meeting and items for inclusion –         

Suggested date MONDAY 6th MAY 2020.