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Minutes 24th July 2023

MONDAY 24th JULY 2023 AT 7:30pm

Present:  Cllr Toone (Chairman), Cllr Bridges, Cllr Meyrick, Cllr Falder, Cllr Corner.

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, Cllr Haines (to 8:29 pm), 2 members of the public.

23/954 Apologies
Apologies were noted from Cllr Lowe and Cllr Muller.
As a quorum was established, the Chair commenced the meeting.

23/955 Variation of Order of Business
There was no alteration to the variation of the order of business.

23/956 Declaration of Interests:
Cllrs considered their obligations relating to declaration of interests.  No declarations were made.

23/957 Public Speaking

a) Members of the Public and Council to comment on any matter

A resident from Ashby Road East raised concerns about a bus shelter opposite the Stanhope Arms, damaged in a road accident 10 months ago.  The resident has been in communication with DCC Highways Dept and with Cllr Haines as there is barely any indication that there is a bus stop at this location. Very recently the site has been tidied and an empty timetable erected high up that any timetable cannot been seen.

Cllr Haines has raised the problems at the District Council meeting earlier this meeting and reported that there are ongoing discussions between District and County Council as to ownership of this bus shelter. Cllr Haines will keep the parish council updated on any progress.

On Ashby Road East near to the Golf Course is a section of unpaved footway which has not been attended to for over a year; the area is covered with weeds.  SDDC was contacted last year by the resident about the condition but despite being told that action would be taken, the footway remains weedy and overgrown, making the footway narrow and dangerous.  If the weeds are cleared the footway would be wide enough for pedestrians to use safely.   A similar situation has arisen about self seeded trees along a boundary wall. Cllr Haines agreed to take the matters forward.

b) County Council and District Council members to raise any relevant matter

Safer neighbourhood grant scheme is available.  The next Area Forum is on 7th September; the venue is to be confirmed.

Cllr Haines was thanked for her help in planning related matters.

c) Parish Council Members declaring an interest other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interest wishing to make representation

No representations were made.

23/958 To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 10th May 2023

These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Toone.

The surplus funds from the Coronation Event have been donated to the fund to extend the Churchyard. The Church has thanked the Parish Council for its donation of £500.

23/959 To approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 10th May 2023

These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Toone.

23/960 To determine which items if any, should be taken with the public excluded.

No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded other than that listed on the agenda.

23/961 To receive the Chairman’s Announcements

No announcements were made.

23/962 To receive the Report of the Clerk

The Clerk’s report as previously circulated was accepted with no further comments. 

23/963 Governance

a)   Risk Register update
There are no recommended changes to the risk register.

b)  General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
No changes are recommended and there are no reports of any breaches. 

c)  Parish Council elections, vacancies and co-options

There are 2 vacancies on the parish council.   It was agreed for a notice to be placed on the website, inviting volunteers to join the parish council.

Two people have expressed an interest in the vacancies and will be invited to the next meeting,

d) Consideration of the Environment Act 2021 (information circulated to Cllrs on 7th July 2023)

The Clerk had previously circulated information to Cllrs which is from 1st January 2024 a public authority but not a parish council, must:

  1. Consider what you can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity
  2. Agree policies and specific objections based on the Council’s consideration
  3. Act to deliver the policies and achieve the objectives.

The parish council has no obligations under the Act however the advice received is for parish councils to give consideration to biodiversity in its decision making.  This advice was noted by Cllrs.

23/964 Drainage and flooding issues

Min 23/947 – eroding of the road surface query. The Clerk raised this with Cllr Muller (11th May 2023) and action is awaited.

The gullies on Ashby Road East require clearing; this matter is a County Council matter which the Clerk will report to DCC.  Flooding occurred on Geary Lane during the recent very heavy rainstorms.

Cllr Falder reminded the meeting that the drainage and sewage systems have not been upgraded to cope with the increase in properties and with the heavy downfalls  

23/965 Correspondence

  1. DALC – Various circulars and information
  2. DCC –  Temporary Road Closure, Water Lane Bretby 15.06.2023 to 16.06.2023 (sent to cllrs 23/5/23)
  3. SDDC – Information about Download Festival 8-11th June 2023 (sent to cllrs 26/5/23)
  4. Windrush 75th anniversary (sent to cllrs 6/6/23)
  5. SDDC –  Planning matters and Mercia Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) – May 2023 (sent to cllrs 4/6/23)
  6. Derbyshire PCC – Summer newsletter (sent to cllrs 7/7/23)
  7. DCC – Community News July 2023 (sent to cllrs 12/7/23)
  8. SDDC – Community Grants and SNT grants
  9. East Midlands Airport – Community newsletter (sent to cllrs 7/7/23)

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

23/966 Finance

a) RESOLVED The following accounts were passed for payment

BACSStaffing – May£148.36
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (May)  £39.60
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (May)£48.34
BACSStaffing – June£148.36
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (June) £39.60
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (June)£48.34
Accounts passed for payment

Mrs J StorerExpenses£68.96
BACSStaffing – July£148.36
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (July)£39.60
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Jul)£48.34
For approval

** £1200 ringfenced funds at 31.03.23 used towards the cost of the bin and installation

Money Received

Gross interest (May ‘23)£1.72
Gross interest (Jun ‘23)£1.92
Gross interest (Jul ’23)£2.05
Current deposit interest rate = 0.90%
SDDCSecond half precept£2,092.50

Balance at bank @ 12.07 .23

Deposit account£3,024.74
Current account£5,602.73*
*This balance includes earmarked reserves of £1,000 grant from Cllr Muller – this will be ringfenced for the purchase of a noticeboard.

b)  Requests for funding via S137
No requests have been received.

(c)  To receive the actual to budget report for the period ending 12th July 2023.
RESOLVED to accept the report as circulated.

The work to repair the war memorial will commence very shortly; the Clerk will then make an application under s106 for the repairs to be refunded by SDDC.

23/967 To consider Planning Applications

DMPA/2023/0608: Listed building consent for the removal of the existing bathroom partition wall and replacement with a new partition wall to create a larger bathroom at Apartment 4, Bretby Hall, Unnamed Road Through Bretby Park, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QQ (23/06/23)
No comments

DMPA/2023/0808: The installation of replacement windows and doors at Cedar Court Nursing Home, Bretby Park, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QX (21/07/23)
No comments

DMPA/2023/0804: Conversion of the detached garage into gym and utility and a pitched roof with the erection of a ground floor glass link and first floor side extension and alterations to the fenestration of the dwelling at 133 Bretby Lane, Bretby, Burton on Trent, DE15 0QP (18/07/23)
RESOLVED: no objections

DMPA/2023/0790: The replacement of all windows, installation of a sliding door to the rear elevation and installation of solar panels at 1 Home Farm, Geary Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QE (11/08/23)
RESOLVED: no objections

23/968 Consultations

East Midlands Airport Draft Noise Action Plan Consultation 2023 – deadline for responses 31st July.  Consultation meeting 28th June at 10am. Circulated to Cllrs 24th May 2023

DCC – Boundary review and changes – circulated to Cllrs 12th July 2023

Under the proposals, Bretby parish would move from the Melbourne Ward to a newly created Repton Ward comprising of Bretby, Newton Solney, Twyford & Stenson, Willington and parts of Repton and parts of Stenson Fields.  No formal response will be made.

23/969 Items for information only

(a)  To receive reports from Meetings attended
Some sensors had been placed across Bretby Road very recently and speeding along Bretby Lane has been raised on social media.  Knight’s Lane also suffers from speeding vehicles.

8:29pm Cllr Haines left the meeting.

(b)  Notification of Forthcoming meetings
None known.

(c)  Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs
No training sessions have taken place since the last meeting.

23/970 Date of next meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at 7.30pm at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby. 

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8:33pm.