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Minutes 17th May 2022


TUESDAY 17th MAY 2022 AT 7:20pm

Present:  Cllr S Toone (Chairman), Cllr M Falder, Cllr M Bridges, Cllr S Betteridge-Sorby, Cllr G Corner.

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, Cllr Haines (to 7:41pm),

22/868 Apologies
Apologies were accepted from Cllr Meyrick (personal), Cllr Muller, Cllr A Churchill.
As a quorum was established, the Chair commenced the meeting.

22/869 Variation of Order of Business
There was no alteration to the variation of the order of business.

22/870 Declaration of Interests:
Cllrs considered their obligations relating to declaration of interests and no declarations were made.

22/871 Public Speaking

a) Members of the Public and Council to comment on any matter
No matters were raised.

b) County Council and District Council members to raise any relevant matter

Cllr Haines reported that there are now three planning technicians manning the phone lines who should be able to take messages.

District Cllrs do not accept that staff are still working from home, rather staff should be in the office or working in a hybrid fashion.  It was reported that SDDC’s CEO is working for people to return to work in a safe environment, but this is taking time. Parish cllrs expressed their concerns and dissatisfaction with the lack of access to officers and in particular to the planning dept.

Grass cutting – there is a supply issue nationwide relating to machine repairs; therefore should the District Council machinery fail, significant delays could occur in the grass cutting programme.  Cllr Falder requested that mowing of visibility splays for the purpose of safety, continues to take place; Cllr Haines agreed that specific areas continue to be mown whilst in other areas for the purpose of diversity, there is participation in the “no mow May” project.

Area Forum meetings should be returning to face to face meetings, with the next round of meetings being held in July.

The Oaklands Solar Farm – no further information was available.

7:41pm Cllr Haines left the meeting.

c) Parish Council Members declaring an interest other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interest wishing to make representation
No representations were made.

22/872 To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2022
These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Toone.

22/873 To determine which items if any, should be taken with the public excluded.
No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded other than that listed on the agenda.

22/874 To receive the Chairman’s Announcements
No matters were raised.

22/875 To receive the Report of the Clerk
The Clerk’s report as previously circulated was accepted with no further comments. 

22/876 Governance
a)   Risk Register update
There are no recommended changes to the risk register.
RESOLVED to make no changes to the risk register.

b)  General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
No changes are recommended and there are no reports of any breaches. 

c) Code of Conduct
The new Code of Conduct was adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

d)   Parish Councillor vacancy
Mrs K Kemp resigned as a parish cllr on 7th May 2022.  Thanks have been extended to Mrs Kemp for her work as a parish cllr. The Elections Officer has been advised and the Clerk is awaiting the necessary notices.

The Clerk explained the procedure to fill the co-opted vacancy created by the resignation.

22/877 Drainage issues
No matters were raised.

22/878 Correspondence

  1. DALC – Various circulars and information
  2. Derbyshire Police – Trial of speed indictor signs
  3. Oaklands Farm Solar – consultation

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

22/879 Finance

KrystalWeb hosting (01/05/22-30/04/23)£47.99
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (April)£37.00
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (April)£45.18
BACSStaffing – April£138.67
Accounts passed for payment

BACSStaffing – May£138.67
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (May)£37.00
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (May)£45.18
Mr B WoodInternal audit 2021/22£55.50
Mrs J StorerExpenses (15.03.22 onwards)deferred to next meeting
Mrs J StorerReimburse for Avast software£44.99
Mrs J StorerClerk use of Home (April – June)£81.00
GallagherParish Council insurance£awaiting quote
DALCAnnual subscription
Last year’s = £265.62.  Budget = £272.00
For approval

Money Received

Gross interest (March’ 22)£0.02
Gross interest (April ’22)£0.03
Gross interest (May ’22)£0.02
SDDC- First half of precept£2012.00
SDDC – Rate relief scheme£63.00

Balance at bank 10.05.22

Deposit account£3,011.46
Current account£6214.74*

*This balance includes £1,000 grant from Cllr Muller – this will be ringfenced for the purchase of a noticeboard.

b)  Requests for funding via S137
No requests for funding have been received.

c) Year end accounts 31st March 2022.
The accounts for the year ending 31.03.22 were internally audited on 26th April 2022; no matters were reported of concern nor did the internal auditor raise any items.
RESOLVED to accept the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2022 with no change.

d) To receive and to consider the Internal Auditor’s report on the accounts for the year ending 31.03.22
No matters were raised, the internal auditor provided a clean audit report.

e) To complete the AGAR for the year ending 31st March 2022
RESOLVED to complete the AGAR for the year ending 31.03.22 – no areas are reported negatively.

22/880 To consider Planning Applications

DMPA/2022/0131: Demolish and rebuild existing gate piers at Brizlincote Hall Farm, Brizlincote Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0PR
RESOLVED No objections

DMPA/2022/0106: The erection of an extension at 23 Bretby Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QN
The above application has been amended. The amendments are summarised as the removal of balcony and the actual size of the extension has not been significantly reduced
RESOLVED the original comments on the application remain

DMOT/2021/1683: The pruning of cedar and yew trees covered by SDDC TPO 18 on land at SK2922 8630, Ashby Road East, Bretby (21/04/22)
RESOLVED No objections

DMPA/2022/0491: Listed building consent for the rebuilding and repair of existing barns and conversion to residential accommodation at Brizlincote Hall Farm, Brizlincote Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0PR (27/04/22)
RESOLVED No objections

22/881 Consideration of the PCC and DCC scheme for Speed Indication Devices
The Clerk will seek to obtain grant funding as the parish council has insufficient funds to fund any devices.
Bretby Lane was agreed to be the preferred location for speed indicator devices, locations were identified as being just passed the garden centre going down the hill to the 30mph; the other location is at the opposite end of Bretby Lane on the approach to the Winshill island.

22/882 Consultations
Oaklands Farm Solar – Publication of Statement of Community Consultation beginning 21st April 2022.  The size of the solar farm was noted – no other comments were made.

22/883 Items for information only

(a)  To receive reports from Meetings attended
Flood Liaison Meeting – 13th May 2022 – no report was provided.
SDDC Civic Service – 10th April 2022 – no representative of Bretby PC attended the service.

(b)  Notification of Forthcoming meetings
None known.

(c)  Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs
Training from DALC continues to be provided remotely via Zoom.
The Clerk will seek courses for new Chairs of Parish Councils.

22/884 Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on at MONDAY 4th JULY 2022 at 7.30pm at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby. 

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8:20pm.