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Minutes 7th May 2024

TUESDAY 7th MAY 2024 AT 7:39pm

Present:  Cllr Toone (Chairman), Cllr Meyrick, Cllr T Ballington, Cllr Falder.

In Attendance:  Cllr Haines, 1 Member of the public, Mrs J Storer – Clerk.

24/1036             Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Muller and Cllr Corner.
As a quorum was established, the Chair commenced the meeting.

24/1037             Variation of Order of Business
There was no alteration to the variation of the order of business.

24/10238          Declaration of Interests:
Cllrs considered their obligations relating to declaration of interests.  No declarations were made.

24/1039             Public Speaking

a) Members of the Public and Council to comment on any matter
A resident raised a query about the website and the normal practise to keep it up to date.
The resident provided further information about the lack of a timetable and litter bin at the newly replaced bus shelter o Ashby Road East and made a request for the parish council to liaise with the bus company for a timetable to be installed at a readable height and for a litter bin to be installed.
The road gutter between 70 and 76 Ashby Road East has been poorly cleaned over many years and a request was made for the parish council to request the footway to be cleared and reinstated.

b) County Council and District Council members to raise any relevant matter
Cllr Haines requested responses are made to the Statement of Community Involvement.
The Local Plan sustainability appraisal is an important piece of evidence to help with the assessment of Derby City Council’s unmet need.  By the summer there should be an indication of the sites identified.

c) Parish Council Members declaring an interest other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interest wishing to make representation
No representations were made.

24/1040   To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th March 2024
These were circulated, read, approved and signed as a correct record by Cllr Toone.

24/1041    To determine which items if any, should be taken with the public excluded.
No items were deemed necessary to be taken with the public excluded other than that listed on the agenda.

24/1042    To receive the Chairman’s Announcements
No announcements were made.

24/1043   To receive the Report of the Clerk
The Clerk’s report as previously circulated was accepted with no further comments. 

24/1043   Governance

a)   Risk Register update
There are no recommended changes to the risk register, this had been considered at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.

b)  General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
No changes are recommended and there are no reports of any breaches. 

c)  Parish Council elections, vacancies and co-options
There are two vacancies on the parish council and no expressions of interest have been received.   The notice of a casual vacancy occurred within LGA 1972 sec 8 created by the sudden and unexpected death of Cllr Bridges has been displayed

d) Environment Act 2021 – to receive any updates and review of the Parish Council’s Plan
There were no reported updates to the parish council’s environmental plan

24/1044   Drainage and flooding issues
The state of some of the roads are causing serious problems, particularly at the bend on Geary Lane which floods regularly.  With this location being so close to the Crematorium and with so many people not aware of the problems, Cllrs expressed concerns that there is an accident waiting to happen.
Over the winter, several vehicles have left Knights Lane and have gone into the ditch; the road at this section slopes down which draws vehicles towards and into the ditch.
A site visit with the Highways Dept will be requested for Watery Lane, Knights Lane, Geary Lane and Bretby Lane; the purpose being to demonstrate the issues faced by motorists and to seek remedial works to avoid accidents or worse, from happening.

24/1045   Correspondence

  1. DALC – Various circulars and information
  2. SDDC – Revising Flood Warden scheme – volunteers are sought, either cllrs or members of the public.

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

24/1046             Finance

a) RESOLVED The following accounts were passed for payment

BACSStaffing – Apr£158.05
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (Apr)£42.20
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Apr)£53.62

For approval

Mrs J StorerExpenses£51.38
BACSStaffing – May £157.85
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (May)£42.40
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (May)£53.62
BACSClerk use of home (Apr-Jun 24)£81.00
SDDCService Litterbins£283.30
East Midlands Audit Services Ltdinternal audit 23/24£52.50
DALCSubscription for 24/25£347.23
Clear CouncilInsurance 1/6/24-31/5/24
Last year’s premium = £680.28 Budget = £644

Money Received

Deposit account interest (March 24)£3.36
Deposit account interest (April 24)£3.15
SDDC – s136 refund for 23/24£3,083.29
SDDC – first half of precept£2807.00
SDDC – Housing Relief Grant£73.00

The request for a bin at the bus stop made by a resident in the public section of the meeting was discussed. The Clerk was instructed to make enquiries of the bus company to provide a bin.

Balance at bank @ 29.04.24

Deposit account£3,052.42
Current account£6,082.23

(b) to consider any requests for funding made under s137 LGA 1971
None received

(c)  To accept the internal auditor’s report for the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2024
The internal audit has been completed and no areas of concern have been raised.
The audit invoice for 2023/24 is £52.50 and should the parish council wish to retain the services of the internal auditor (East Midlands Audit Services Ltd) the fee next year will be £57.00.
Cllrs were circulated with the internal audit report with the meeting papers.
RESOLVED to accept the internal auditor’s report as previously circulated and considered.
RESOLVED  to appoint East Midlands Audit Services Ltd to undertake the  internal audit for the year ending 31st March 2025.

(d)  To complete the AGAR for the year ending 31st March 2024
RESOLVED to approve the accounts for the year ending 31.03.24 with no amendments.
RESOLVED to complete the AGAR for the year ending 31.03.24; no matters of concern were raised.

24/1047 To consider Planning Applications and the action to be taken with regards to planning application – DMPA/2023/1579 at 70 Ashby Road East
DMPA/2024/0345: The retention of a front boundary wall at 92 Bretby Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QP (11/04/24)
RESOLVED No objections

In relation to planning application at Knights Lane lodges, there appear to be less vehicles attending the site, it was noted that the application is still to come before the planning committee.

Cllrs discussed the frustrations surrounding the late determination of planning applications, the discrepancies in decisions are of concern and the lack of enforcement and communication continues to be an issue.  The review of the planning dept is underway and feedback and complaints of this parish council about the frustrations surrounding its interactions with the SDDC Planning Dept will be relevant and useful.  Cllr Toone will draft the complaint, which the Clerk will submit to SDDC.

24/1048             Consultations
a) SDDC – Draft Statement of Community Involvement (Local Plan) 18th March to 13th May 2024
b) National Government – An accelerated planning system consultation –  closes 1st May 2024
c) SDDC – Draft Cycle Network Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) – closes 28th June 2024

23/1049 Items for information only

(a)        To receive reports from Meetings attended
DCC and Parish Council Liaison Meeting – 16th April 2024 at 5pm at County Hall – no Cllr attended the meeting.

(b)       Notification of Forthcoming meeting
SDDC – Civic Service 23rd May 2024 – no Cllr was available to attend.

 (c)       Training Sessions – See DALC circulars which have been provided to all Cllrs
No training sessions have taken place since the last meeting. 

23/1050           Date of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on  Monday 1st July   2024 at 7.30pm at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8:34 pm.

Minutes Of The Annual Parish Meeting 7th May 2024

TUESDAY 7TH MAY 2024 AT 7:30pm

Present:  Cllr S Toone (Chairman), Cllr M Falder, Cllr L Meyrick, Cllr T Ballington.

 In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, Cllr K Haines, 1 member of the public.

  1. Election of Chairman
    RESOLVED Cllr Toone was elected as Chairman.
  2. Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of Office
    Cllr Toone took and signed the Declaration of Office of Chair of the Parish Council.
  3. Election of Vice Chairman
    RESOLVED Cllr Meyrick was elected as Vice Chairman.
  4. Vice Chairman to take and sign the Declaration of Office
    Cllr Meyrick took and signed the Declaration of Office of Vice Chair.
  5. Review/Completion of Register of Interests
    No changes were made to the Register of Interests.
  6. Appointment of Committees – if required
    RESOLVED no committees were formed.
  7. Appointment of Cllrs to External Bodies and arrangements for reporting back
    RESOLVED any Cllr will attend any meetings.
  8. To review the Standing Orders
    RESOLVED no changes were made to the Standing Orders which had previously been circulated.
  9. To review the Financial Regulations
    The Clerk had circulated the new NALC financial regulations.
    RESOLVED no changes are to be made to the existing Financial Regulations however the Clerk will highlight the changes in the new Financial Regulations and bring the changes and the draft regulations to the next meeting.
  10. Review of policies.
    RESOLVED there are no changes to the parish council’s policies.
    The Clerk’s recommendation for a full review during the next 6-12 months and for these to be brought to future meetings will be followed.
  11. Review of inventory of land and assets.
    The inventory of land and assets had been circulated with the accounts for the year ending 31.03.24.  The inventory was accepted.
  12. Review and confirmation of arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks.
    The parish council insurance falls due for renewal on 1st June 2024; Cllrs have been emailed the insurance renewal information on 24th April 2024
    Insurance 1/6/24-31/5/24 has been quoted at £568.33, last year’s premium = £680.28 Budget = £644
    RESOLVED the level of insurance cover was agreed and will be taken with Clear Insurance.
  13. Review of the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies.
    RESOLVED to continue with membership of DALC and SLCC.
  14. Reviewing the Council’s complaints procedure.
    RESOLVED to continue with the complaints procedure with no changes.

There being no other business, the Chair closed the meeting at 7:36 pm.

Min 11:  Review of inventory of land and assets.

                                 The parish council has the following assets at 31st March 2024

PC laptop and scanner£500
Noticeboard on Village Green£1
Noticeboard on Bretby Lane£1
Pump on Village Green£1
Litter bin at Bretby Hall£594.59
Litter bin on Bretby Lane and junction of Oldicote lane near to the noticeboard£594.59
Total Fixed Assets£1692.18

Minutes Of The Annual Meeting of the Parish Meeting Tuesday 7th May 2024

TUESDAY 7th MAY 2024 AT 7.00pm

Present:  Cllr S Toone (Chairman),    

In Attendance: Mrs J Storer – Clerk, 6 members of the public

1. To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were noted from Cllr Muller, Cllr Corner.

2. To receive the Annual report for 2023/24 – Cllr Toone
It is just a year ago since we celebrated King Charles’s Coronation with a well attended barn dance organised by Martin Faulder and family. After a couple of failed attempts to organise a social event for the late Queen’s Jubilee year, it was good to see a large proportion of Parishioners getting together to enjoy this event. Thanks to Martin & co for organising.

In May we convened a new Parish Council with myself, Lee Meyrick, Martin Falder and Michael Bridges as Councillors. Graham Corner was co- opted to the council later in May and Tracey Ballington in September. It was with great sadness that in March we learned of the sudden and unexpected death of Michael Bridges who had been a Parish Councillor for over 30 years. His knowledge of the Parish and region will be greatly missed.

As a Council we now have regard to the Environment Act 2021 and should have an Environment and Sustainability Policy for actions by the Council.

Parish accounts showed that due to increasing costs and the fact that the increase in precept in the previous year was kept to a minimum due to cost of living rises, steps had to be taken to stop the accounts being in deficit. An unusually large increase in the precept of 34% was reluctantly made to avoid this.

Concerns have been expressed by residents this year on several planning applications which will have an impact on the local environment. The Parish Council has raised concerns with SDDC at the public’s use of the leisure facilities at Knights Lodges, proposed change of use of a barn at Shades Farm in the village, and extension of Planters Nursery. Premature and possibly illegal building on Ashby Road East has also been bought to the district council’s attention but in all these issues SDDC’s response to our concerns has been frustrating to say the least and lack of communication from the district council has become untenable. This will no doubt be discussed in the later parish council meeting.

Residents continue to complain about speeding traffic on Bretby Lane in particular 2 buses which appear to use the road daily as a rat run. Also, the amount of heavy goods vehicles which use the road even though there’s a weight restriction in force.

Approaches have been made to Bretby and Newton Solney Parish Councils to consider plans for a Solar farm on land off Newton Lane next to the garden centre. The company involved is planning a meeting with affected Parishes but nothing has yet materialised.

The major concern in the Parish for the last few months has been the appalling weather and ensuing floods. Geary Lane, Knights Lane, Newton Lane and Watery Lane have all had significant prolonged flooding and for a period in March when there was roadworks on Hartshorne Road and Bretby Lane at the junction with Ashby Road every road into the village was affected.

We must thank the County Council and District Council (and Councillors) who made tremendous efforts to alleviate these problems, especially when other areas experienced much worse effects from the floods.

Like everywhere else there has been the increase in vehicle damaging pot holes in roads in the Parish which again the Highways department has fought to contain. Although these pot holes have been exacerbated by the excess road water it has to be said that some of our roads were already in a dreadful state and sooner or later the County Council must do something to improve them, particularly in light of possible increase in road traffic due to proposed developments in the Parish.

One success story that has benefited the Parish is that the bus shelter opposite the Stanhope Arms has been replaced after it was demolished in a road traffic accident in 2022. This was due to the persistence of a resident of Stanhope Bretby who badgered various agencies including the police, the bus company, DCC and SDDC to firstly get the debris removed and then a replacement installed. The process took over 18 months and the resident should be congratulated on her perseverance.

3. Public Questions and comments
No questions were raised.

Mary Freeland from Connect Fibre informed the meeting that Connect Fibre has been awarded the Government contract to build the network for full fibre network in Government identified addresses in Derbyshire and for NE Staffordshire and Staffordshire Moorlands.  This parish is one of the build areas.  In coming months, Connect Fibre will be exploring the existing infrastructure and what other assets/resources are required.  This is a 3 year project; over coming months there will be testing, then the new cabinets or poles will go in and the build will take place some months later. When work is due to start, Mary Freeland will attend a meeting with the parish council and residents to explain what will happen.

The addresses identified by the Government for full fibre will be made available to Connect Fibre soon.

There being no further matters, Cllr Toone closed the meeting at 7.29pm.