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Agenda 15th October 2024


Mrs J Storer (Clerk)


Date:  8th October 2024

To: The Chairman and Members of Bretby Parish Council



You are summoned to attend Council Meeting of Bretby Parish Council, which will be held at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby at 7.30pm on Tuesday 15th October 2024.

Yours sincerely

J Storer

Jacqui Storer




1        To receive apologies for absence.         

2        Variation of Order of Business

3        Declaration of Members Interests.

          Please Note:-

  • Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)
  • Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

    The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.  

4        Public Speaking – (15 Minutes)

(a)      A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)      If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

  •    Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

   who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association    

   of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5        To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 2nd September 2024 (Copy already circulated)

6.       To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: –

“In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

7.       Chairman’s Announcements.

8.       Report of the Clerk, to include an update on items from the last meeting

9.       Governance

          a)  Risk Register update

          b)  Update on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

c)  Parish Council vacancies and co-options

10.      Drainage and flooding issues

11.      Correspondence

12.      Finance

(a)      Accounts for Payment

(b)      To consider any requests for funds made under S137

(c)      To receive and accept the actual to budget report for the period ending 30th September 2024 and to receive the first recommendation for the 205/26 precept

13.      To consider Planning Applications

14.      To consider any Consultations received                     

a) SDDC – Draft Local Plan – comments by 6th December 2024 – information circulated to Cllrs 7th October 2024

15.      Items for information only

(a)      To receive reports from Meetings attended

                      DCC and Parish Council Liaison Meeting – 15th October 2024

(b)       Notification of Forthcoming meeting

                     SDDC – Flood Liaison meeting – 15th November via TEAMS

          (c)     Training Sessions – All DALC circulars have been provided to all Cllrs

16.      To move the following resolution – “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of the personal situation of an employee which could result in legal proceedings or commercially sensitive information) it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”

17.      Date of next meetings and items for inclusion  

          Proposed date of next meeting 4th December 2024

Clerk’s Report –  October 2024

Agenda item  

8)       Clerk’s Report

Actions raised at the last meeting have been attended to.

9)       Governance

a)       Risk Register

   The Clerk has no changes to make to the Risk Register. 

b)       General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

No changes are recommended and there are no reports of any breaches. 

c)       Parish Council vacancies

There are 2 (two) vacancies to be filled by co-option.   

11)     Correspondence – September 2024

1.       DALC – Various circulars and information

2.       Clerks & Councils Direct – Sept edition

3.       SDDC – Notification of Electoral Register verification process

4.       DCC – Draft Council Plan 2025 -29

5.       SDDC – South Derbyshire Draft Local Plan Part 1 Consultation

6.       DCC – Reply to concerns raised by the parish council about the recent temporary lights on A511

7.       SNT – Latest newsletter

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

12a)   Accounts for Payment

          Accounts passed for payment

ICOAnnual fee£35.00
BACSStaffing – Oct£157.85
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI and PAYE (Oct)£42.20
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Oct£55.74

                              For approval

Mrs J StorerExpensesTBC
BACSStaffing – Nov£157.85
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (Nov)£42.40
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Nov)£55.74
PKF Littlejohn LLPExternal audit 2023/24£252.00

          Money Received

Deposit interestAug 2024£3.03
Deposit interestSept 2024£2.60

Balance at bank @ 08.10.24

          Deposit account                                     £3,067.95

          Current account                                     £6,281.69

b)       Requests for funding via S137

          No requests for funding have been received.

13)     Planning applications


Listed Building Consent for the repositioning and replacement of the communal staircase, installation of a lift and the re-opening of two windows at Communal stairwell to apartments 14 &15 Bretby Hall, Bretby, Burton-on-Trent, DE15 0QQ (18/10/24)


Change of use from dwelling (Class 3) to Children’s Care Home (Class 2) at 2, Stanhope Glade, Bretby.


Variation to DMPA/2024/0211 re extension to Planters Garden Centre.


DMPA/2024/1052 – Installation and operation of a renewable energy generation station comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic panels, inverter/transformer units, DNO substation, site access, internal access tracks, security measures, landscaping, and other ancillary infrastructure at Land west of Newton Lane, Newton Solney, DE15 0RU




Mrs J Storer (Clerk)


Date:  22nd August 2024

To: The Chairman and Members of Bretby Parish Council



You are summoned to attend Council Meeting of Bretby Parish Council, which will be held at St Wystan’s Church, Bretby at 7.30pm on Monday 2nd September 2024.

Yours sincerely

J Storer

Jacqui Storer




1        To receive apologies for absence.         

2        Variation of Order of Business

3        Declaration of Members Interests.

          Please Note:-

  • Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)
  • Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

    The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.  

4        Public Speaking – (15 Minutes)

(a)      A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)      If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

  •    Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

   who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association    

   of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5        To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 1st July 2024 (Copy already circulated)

6.       To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: –

“In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

7.       Chairman’s Announcements.

8.       Report of the Clerk, to include an update on items from the last meeting

9.       Governance

          a)  Risk Register update

          b)  Update on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

c)  Parish Council vacancies and co-options

d)  To consider the response from SDDC to the parish council’s complaint about

      planning matters

e)  To consider any actions to be taken regarding correspondence item 3 and the National Grid pylons

10.      Drainage and flooding issues

11.      Correspondence

12.      Finance

 (a)      Accounts for Payment

(b)      To consider any requests for funds made under S137

(c)      To receive and accept the external auditor’s report for the year ending 31st March 2024

13.      To consider Planning Applications

14.      To consider any Consultations received                     

a) Derbyshire Police Crime Commissioner – Police and Crime Plan for Derbyshire – deadline 1st September 2024 (circulated to Cllrs 17/07/24)

b) SDDC – Annual CCTV Consultation – deadline 20th September 2024 (circulated to Cllrs 05/08/24)

c) SDDC – Review of private licencing arrangements – deadline 6th September 2024  (circulated to Cllrs 22/07/24)

15.      Items for information only

(a)      To receive reports from Meetings attended


(b)       Notification of Forthcoming meeting

                     DCC and Parish Council Liaison Meeting – 15th October 2024

                      SDDC Civic Service to be held 1st September 2024

          (c)     Training Sessions – All DALC circulars have been provided to all Cllrs

16.      To move the following resolution – “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of the personal situation of an employee which could result in legal proceedings or commercially sensitive information) it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”

17.      Date of next meetings and items for inclusion  

          Proposed date 4th November 2024

  • First draft of the 2025/26 budget
  • Actual v Budget report to 31st October 2024

Clerk’s Report –  September 2024

Agenda item  

8)       Clerk’s Report

Actions raised at the last meeting have been attended to.

The Clerk contacted Diamond Buses in relation to the bus timetable and was informed that someone would visit the site and an assessment will be made.  The work has since been completed.

9)       Governance

a)       Risk Register

The Clerk has no changes to make to the Risk Register. 

b)       General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

No changes are recommended and there are no reports of any breaches. 

c)       Parish Council vacancies

There are 2 (two) vacancies to be filled by co-option.   

11)     Correspondence – September 2024

2.       SDDC – Response to stage 2 complaint about planning matters (circulated to Cllrs 05/08/24)

3.       National Grid – Upgrade of the pylons Chesterfield to Willington

4.       National Grid – Work on overhead electricity line between Drakelow Substation and Stanton on Bridge (circulated to Cllrs 11.08.24)

5.       DCC Highways – Temporary Road Closure, Repton Road, Bretby between 14/08/2024 – 30/08/2024 – 09:00 – 15:00 (circulated to Cllrs 23/07/24)

All Cllrs have been circulated with the information prior to the meeting.

12a)   Accounts for Payment

          Accounts passed for payment

BACSStaffing – August£157.85
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI and PAYE (Aug)£42.20
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Aug)£55.74

For approval

Mrs J StorerExpensesTBC
BACSStaffing – Oct£157.85
BACSHMRC – Staffing NI & PAYE (Oct)£42.40
BACSDCC – Pension contribution (Oct)£55.74

          Money Received

Deposit interestJuly 2024£3.16
Deposit interestAugust 2024£3.03
SDDCSecond half of the precept£2,807.00

Balance at bank @ 22.08.24

          Deposit account                                     £3,065.35

          Current account                                     £7,008.48

b)       Requests for funding via S137

          No requests for funding have been received.

13)     Planning applications

DMOT/2024/0884 – Pruning of Oak tree at Bretby Hall, Bretby Park, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0QQ (31/07/24)

DMPA/2024/1052 – Installation and operation of a renewable energy generation station comprising ground-mounted photovoltaic panels, inverter/transformer units, DNO substation, site access, internal access tracks, security measures, landscaping, and other ancillary infrastructure at  Land west of Newton Lane, Newton Solney, DE15 0RU (extension of time to 23rd September 2024 granted)

Notification of Planning Committee meeting 30th July 2024

DMPA/2024/0042: Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and removal of condition 6 (restricting users of the leisure building) of permission reference DMPA/2022/0836 (The erection of leisure building with associated access, parking and landscaping) at Knights Lodges, Knights Lane, Bretby, Burton On Trent, DE15 0RT

Cookie Policy

Website privacy notice

1. This is a notice to inform you of our policy about all information that we record about you. It sets out the conditions under which we may process any information that we collect from you, or that you provide to us. It covers information that could identify you (“personal information”) and information that could not. In the context of the law and this notice, “process” means collect, store, transfer, use or otherwise act on information.
2. We regret that if there are one or more points below with which you are not happy, your only recourse is to leave our website immediately.
3. We take seriously the protection of your privacy and confidentiality. We understand that all visitors to our website are entitled to know that their personal data will not be used for any purpose unintended by them, and will not accidentally fall into the hands of a third party.
4. We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, and hope that you reciprocate.
5. Our policy complies with UK law accordingly implemented, including that required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
6. The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at
7. Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website.
The bases on which we process information about you

The law requires us to determine under which of six defined bases we process different categories of your personal information, and to notify you of the basis for each category.
If a basis on which we process your personal information is no longer relevant then we shall immediately stop processing your data.

If the basis changes then if required by law we shall notify you of the change and of any new basis under which we have determined that we can continue to process your information.

1. Information we process because we have a contractual obligation with you
When you create an account on our website, buy a product or service from us, or otherwise agree to our terms and conditions, a contract is formed between you and us.

In order to carry out our obligations under that contract we must process the information you give us. Some of this information may be personal information.

We may use it in order to:

1.1. verify your identity for security purposes
1.2. sell products to you
1.3. provide you with our services
1.4. provide you with suggestions and advice on products, services and how to obtain the most from using our website
1.5. Ascertain if you are suitable and legal for our services
We process this information on the basis there is a contract between us, or that you have requested we use the information before we enter into a legal contract.

Additionally, we may aggregate this information in a general way and use it to provide class information, for example to monitor our performance with respect to a particular service we provide. If we use it for this purpose, you as an individual will not be personally identifiable.

We shall continue to process this information until the contract between us ends or is terminated by either party under the terms of the contract.

2. Information we process with your consent
Through certain actions when otherwise there is no contractual relationship between us, such as when you browse our website or ask us to provide you more information about our business, including [job opportunities and] our products and services, you provide your consent to us to process information that may be personal information.

Wherever possible, we aim to obtain your explicit consent to process this information, for example, by asking you to agree to our use of cookies.

Sometimes you might give your consent implicitly, such as when you send us a message by e-mail to which you would reasonably expect us to reply.

Except where you have consented to our use of your information for a specific purpose, we do not use your information in any way that would identify you personally. We may aggregate it in a general way and use it to provide class information, for example to monitor the performance of a particular page on our website.

If you have given us explicit permission to do so, we may from time to time pass your name and contact information to selected associates whom we consider may provide services or products you would find useful.

We continue to process your information on this basis until you withdraw your consent or it can be reasonably assumed that your consent no longer exists.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by instructing us as such. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use our website or our services further.

3. Information we process for the purposes of legitimate interests
We may process information on the basis there is a legitimate interest, either to you or to us, of doing so.

Where we process your information on this basis, we do after having given careful consideration to:

• whether the same objective could be achieved through other means
• whether processing (or not processing) might cause you harm
• whether you would expect us to process your data, and whether you would, in the round, consider it reasonable to do so
For example, we may process your data on this basis for the purposes of:

• record-keeping for the proper and necessary administration of our [organisational or business]
• responding to unsolicited communication from you to which we believe you would expect a response
• protecting and asserting the legal rights of any party
• insuring against or obtaining professional advice that is required to manage [organisational or business] risk
• protecting your interests where we believe we have a duty to do so
4. Information we process because we have a legal obligation
We are subject to the law like everyone else. Sometimes, we must process your information in order to comply with a statutory obligation.

For example, we may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation such as a search warrant or court order.

This may include your personal information.

Specific uses of information you provide to us

5. Information provided on the understanding that it will be shared with a third party
Some areas of our website may allow you to post information with a view to that information being read, copied, downloaded, or used by other people.

Examples include:

5.1. posting a message on our website
5.2. tagging an image
5.3. clicking on an icon next to another visitor’s message to convey your agreement, disagreement or thanks
In posting personal information, it is up to you to satisfy yourself about the privacy level of every person who might use it.

We do not specifically use this information except to allow it to be displayed or shared.

We do store it, and we reserve a right to use it in the future in any way we decide.

Once your information enters the public domain, we have no control over what any individual third party may do with it. We accept no responsibility for their actions at any time.

Provided your request is reasonable and there is no legal basis for us to retain it, then at our discretion we may agree to your request to delete personal information that you have posted. You can make a request by contacting us.

6. Complaints regarding content on our website
We attempt to moderate user generated content, but we are not always able to do so as soon as that content is published.

If you complain about any of the content on our website, we shall investigate your complaint.

If we feel it is justified or if we believe the law requires us to do so, we shall remove the content while we investigate.

Free speech is a fundamental right, so we have to make a judgment as to whose right will be obstructed: yours, or that of the person who posted the content that offends you.

If we think your complaint is vexatious or without any basis, we shall not correspond with you about it.


What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files containing a string of characters that can be placed on your computer or mobile device that uniquely identify your browser or device. What are cookies used for?

Cookies allow a site or services to know if your computer or device has visited that site or service before. Cookies can then be used to help understand how the site or service is being used, help you navigate between pages efficiently, help remember your preferences, and generally improve your browsing experience.

What types of cookies do we use?
There are generally four categories of cookies: “Strictly Necessary,” “Performance,” “Functionality,” and “Targeting.”. You can find out more about each cookie category below.

1. Strictly Necessary Cookies. These cookies are essential, as they enable you to move around the Service and use its features, such as accessing logged in or secure areas.

2. Performance Cookies. These cookies collect information about how you have used the Service, for example, information related to the unique username you have provided, so that less strain is placed on our backend infrastructure. These cookies may also be used to allow us to know that you have logged in so that we can serve you fresher content than a user who has never logged in. We also use cookies to track aggregate Service usage and experiment with new features and changes on the Service. The information collected is used to improve how the Service works.

3. Functionality Cookies. These cookies allow us to remember how you’re logged in, whether you chose to no longer see advertisements, whether you made an edit to an article on the Service while logged out, when you logged in or out, the state or history of Service tools you’ve used. These cookies also allow us to tailor the Service to provide enhanced features and content for you and to remember how you’ve customized the Service in other ways, such as customizing the toolbars we offer in the right column of every page. The information these cookies collect may be anonymous, and they are not used to track your browsing activity on other sites or services.

4. Targeting Cookies. Bretby Parish Council or other third party partners may use these types of cookies to deliver advertising that is relevant to your interests. These cookies can remember that your device has visited a site or service, and may also be able to track your device’s browsing activity on other sites or services other than Bretby Parish Council. This information may be shared with organizations outside Bretby Parish Council, such as advertisers and/or advertising networks to deliver the advertising, and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, or other business partners for the purpose of providing aggregate Service usage statistics and aggregate Service testing.

How long will cookies stay on my device?
The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies will only stay on your device until you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your computer or mobile device until they expire or are deleted.

First and third party cookies
First-party cookies are cookies that belong to Bretby Parish Council, third-party cookies are cookies that another party places on your device through our Service. Third-party cookies may be placed on your device by someone providing a service for Bretby Parish Council, for example to help us understand how our service is being used. Third-party cookies may also be placed on your device by our business partners so that they can use them to advertise products and services to you elsewhere on the Internet.

How to control and delete cookies
As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.