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Parish Council

The Council has 7 elected Councillors and the Parish Clerk. It meets 6 times a year in St. Wystans Church at Bretby.

All Council meetings start with a 10 minute open session, to allow members of the public to raise areas of concern and questions. If you would like to raise a question at this time, or wish to communicate with the Council, please contact the Clerk.

Clerk to Bretby Parish Council:

Jacqui Storer, who can be reached:

– Between 10.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday, by telephone on 07762 052483

– Outside these times, or if you prefer, please complete the contact form.

Members of the Council::

Steve Toon (Chairman)

Lee Meyrick (Vice Chairman)

Martin Falder

Michael Bridges

Graham Corner

Tracey Ballington

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22

Annual Return 2020-2021

Notice of conclusion of Audit 2019-20

Annual Return 2018-19

Audit Report 2017-18

Audit Concluded Notice 2017-18

Annual Return 2017-18 | Transparency analysis of cashbook 2017-18

Accounts 2016-17

Annual Return 2016-17

Audit 2016 Notice

Annual Return 2015-16 | Transparency analysis of cashbook 2015-16

Annual Return 2014-15

You can download the councillors’ Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest (16MB pdf).

Would you like to apply for a position on the Parish Council? See vacancies.
